明天就要开学了,可是我还没拍够啊...... 选个集合作为小小总结吧,这个假期也学到不少新东西,不管拍摄手法还是后期处理都有提高,让我感到满足和开心~ 这是我2014寒假拍的最喜欢的9幅照片,谨以此组图片纪念这个逝去的寒假。 这张片是在去雪乡的路上拍的。从哈尔滨出发一路都还是阳光明媚,不过一进入山路乌云就开始渐渐蔓延开来,阳光也若隐若现,不过我知道,当太阳开始捉迷藏的时候便是出现神光的时候。果然,当汽车开过一片开阔的村庄时,神光降临了,而我要做的就是下个车,拍个照,记录这美丽的画面。 <br />
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第一次见雪,她就给了我一份大礼。<br />
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(p.s. 其实当时已经开始下雪了,一出车子便能感受到强劲的风呼啸而过,拍了几分钟镜头上就覆盖了薄薄的一层雪,而这也是我一路上最后一次见到阳光了)



(p.s. 其实当时已经开始下雪了,一出车子便能感受到强劲的风呼啸而过,拍了几分钟镜头上就覆盖了薄薄的一层雪,而这也是我一路上最后一次见到阳光了)

This is the Church of Hagia Sophia in Harbin, China, which a baroque style architecture. When the night falls, it became really beautiful with the yellow light and I love this tone so much. To get this picture, firstly I took the picture of the church at slow shutter speed to reduce the noise. Then, shotting with my flashlight(600EX-RT), I set my camera to high ISO at high shutter speed so that I could capture the snow falls. <br />
After blending in Photoshop, I finished this work.

This is the Church of Hagia Sophia in Harbin, China, which a baroque style architecture. When the night falls, it became really beautiful with the yellow light and I love this tone so much. To get this picture, firstly I took the picture of the church at slow shutter speed to reduce the noise. Then, shotting with my flashlight(600EX-RT), I set my camera to high ISO at high shutter speed so that I could capture the snow falls.
After blending in Photoshop, I finished this work.

在这角度对着天空,只要再暗一点就可以看见银河了。虽然因为亮度关系我没法把银河拍下来,不过夜空的繁星然我感受到了自然的寂静和神秘。此外,远处的一些树木因为我后面建筑发出的红光而被染成了红色,与一些被雪覆盖起来的树木,再加上深邃的天空,形成了鲜明而美丽的颜色对比。 <br />
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500PX:&lt;a href=&quot;<a href="http://500px.com/photo/58615324&quot;" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://500px.com/photo/58615324&quot;</a> target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;nofollow&quot;&gt;<a href="http://500px.com/photo/58615324&lt;/a&gt;" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://500px.com/photo/58615324&lt;/a&gt;</a>


500PX:<a href="http://500px.com/photo/58615324" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://500px.com/photo/58615324</a>