这个教堂应该被拍过无数次了吧,所以还是尝试一下有别于一般的手法(当然下雪的场景也有人拍过了,我自己便非常喜欢JasonKu的那张雪夜索菲亚,而且相较而言我甚至更倾向那幅的构图)。 这张片子是分开拍的,一张单纯长曝以保持建筑物的正确曝光。另一张捕捉下雪的参数如下: f6.3, iso2000, 3.2s, 600ex强制闪光。 500PX:http://500px.com/photo/59119430 This is the Church of Hagia Sophia in Harbin, China, which a baroque style architecture. When the night falls, it became really beautiful with the yellow light and I love this tone so much. To get this picture, firstly I took the picture of the church at slow shutter speed to reduce the noise. Then, shotting with my flashlight(600EX-RT), I set my camera to high ISO at high shutter speed so that I could capture the snow falls. <br />
After blending in Photoshop, I finished this work.

This is the Church of Hagia Sophia in Harbin, China, which a baroque style architecture. When the night falls, it became really beautiful with the yellow light and I love this tone so much. To get this picture, firstly I took the picture of the church at slow shutter speed to reduce the noise. Then, shotting with my flashlight(600EX-RT), I set my camera to high ISO at high shutter speed so that I could capture the snow falls.
After blending in Photoshop, I finished this work.